
2016年11月3日 星期四


面對急性組織損傷,徒手淋巴引流技術(Manual lymph drainage, MLD)既能夠幫助早期消腫,也能夠緩和疼痛,幫助患者度過難熬的恢復期。

可見若將 MLD 的專長結合到術後照顧,將會在組織、外觀、客戶舒適感上都有極佳幫助,而國際美容整形外科學會(International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, ISAPS)所出版的官方期刊-美容整形外科期刊(Aesthetic Plastic Surgery )在 2002 年就分享了一則徒手淋巴引流在整形術後照護的良好經驗



  • ...the day before an extended face lift (FL) a woman was infiltrated in the cheek skin with lynfofast (solution of tecmesio) and the absorption was observed by gamma camera.
  • ...we observed no absorption by the lymphatic, concluding that a week after surgery, the lymphatic network was still damaged.



團隊決定在拉皮手術第三天起,讓客人接受 MLD ,竟然驚奇的發現~淤血在第五天就幾乎消散了,於是患者也能夠像一般人一樣,開始自己做肌膚保養!

整形團隊持續五年以來,都藉此將 MLD 帶入術後服務流程中,持續下來,已經觀察到許多優點,包括減緩疼痛、減緩心理不安、以及幫助團隊有清楚的預後指標:

  • Five years experience with this protocol has enabled us to minimize post-op pain. The edema can be predicted with certain consistency (in which surgery there will be more or less edema) and the proper technique can be selected, permitting the patient to choose the best moment for a FL while the surgeon can avoid intra and postoperative measures that increase the edema...
  • We can predict and control the post-op recovery and the patient feels fine, unlike the past when recovery was abandoned to its natural evolution.


  • If the patient perceived an intensive, positive support on behalf of the entire staff that kept him or her content, then we have succeeded in doing an excellent marketing.
  • This may encourage others to undergo aesthetic surgery, especially those who are convinced that after surgery they might have to endure considerable suffering.


文章也特別提到:儘管 MLD 的成效令人嚮往,但仍必須要挑選經過訓練的專業人士執行這門技術!

  • In the post-op, the manual lymphatic drainage is initiated on the third or fifth day, but must be done by a trained professional.

若要以 MLD 來多管齊下、輔助組織損傷的照顧,務必要邀請專業訓練出身的淋巴引流治療師來進行 MLD 才是最安心的選擇!若有其他特別情形,也衷心提醒您必須先耐心與服務者完整諮詢。

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